How to Reduce and Resolve Your PCOS Symptoms Without Medication.

Get a Strategic Approach to Lose Weight, Banish Acne, Stabilise Your Cycle and Reduce Anxiety Inducing Hair-growth.






What you'll learn during the masterclass

The Three Big Mistakes That Women With PCOS Are Making When Trying to Reduce Symptoms [& how to avoid making them].
Why Taking “All The PCOS Supplements” Is Actually Preventing You From Moving Forward.

How To Reduce And Resolve Your Symptoms Without Medication.

Hi I’m Solaine, 

I’ve worked with over 500+ women like you to help them balance their hormones through 1:1 and group programs. 

Join me in this 60 minute masterclass and I promise to share the exact strategies I use to help my PCOS clients reduce their symptoms. 

Hope to see you there!
Solaine XX 

Before working with Solaine I was suffering from long or absent periods and thyroid issues which left me feeling exhausted, bloated and emotional. I wasn’t getting answers from doctors about why I was feeling this way and some days were so bad I was unable to complete day to day tasks so I decided to book a consultation with Solaine and it was the best decision I ever made.

Solaine supported me with getting tests completed and based off these results helped me make modifications to my lifestyle from nutrition and supplements to my sleep routine. I have had my first regular cycle in a long time, I am less bloated and have so much more energy.

"I have had my first regular cycle in a long time.
I am less bloated and have so much more energy."


Solaine made me feel like I was not crazy, like so many doctors did by dismissing my concerns. I now feel amazing and post-pill symptoms are under control.

"I now feel amazing and post-pill symptoms are under control. "


I cannot believe the change in such a short amount of time. I have also noticed improved digestion, my skin and eyes are clearer and my moods have improved dramatically too. Solaine has completely turned my life around and I am so grateful.

"Solaine has completely turned my life around and I am so grateful!"


Within three months of targeted treatment plan and supplementing, my thyroid and antibodies results came back with perfect scores. I am now feeling so much better and no longer suffer from PMS and period pain. Solaine shows genuine care and compassion towards my personal circumstances. 

"My thyroid results came back with perfect, I am now feeling so much better and no longer suffer from PMS and period pain."


Before working with Solaine I had been off the contraceptive pill for roughly 18 months with no period, been to different GP's, had multiple iron infusions with no answers as to why - within 3 months of working together I had my first period! I have had consecutive cycles since then, my energy is great, my skin which seemed to flare up regularly has calmed down and my hunger levels feel so much more balanced now. 

"Within 3 months of working together I had my first period in 18 months!"


I’ve always experienced bloating and energy crashes in the afternoon, relying on coffee and quick snacks to get me though. Since seeing Solaine, I’ve managed to control my bloating, sustain energy throughout the day and I’m no longer reaching for an afternoon snack.

I’ve also lost 6kgs just by understanding my food intolerances and changing my eating habits. The thing I’ve loved the most is it didn’t require a diet or restrictive eating, I am still able to enjoy all the foods I did before.

"I’ve also lost 6kgs just by understanding my food intolerances and changing my eating habits."



Welcome to my online home. Grab yourself a cuppa and have a look around. 

Solaine x